Owners of Documents of Breathing

The owners or beneficiaries of Documents of Breathing were often priests who belonged to the high clergy of Amun-Ra. They were working in the temple of Karnak on the east bank. The funerary documents of these priests display an array of titles showing that the owners were active in various Theban cults and took part in the numerous rites, rituals and festivals performed and celebrated in the Theban area. The attestations of these priests and their cults in both funerary and documentary papyri need to be assembled in order to study the connections between the owners of the documents and other priesthoods or cults.

In charge

Lauren Dogaer


Document of Breathing / Owners / Titles / Prosopography / Priesthoods


R. M.  Birk, Türöffner des Himmels: prosopographische Studien zur thebanischen Hohepriesterschaft der Ptolemäerzeit, Wiesbaden, 2020.

M. Coenen, ‘Owners of Documents of Breathing Made by Isis’, CdÉ 79, 59-72.

M. Coenen, J. Quaegebeur, De Papyrus Denon in het Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, Den Haag of het Boek van het Ademen van Isis, Leuven, 1995.

H. De Meulenaere, ‘Premiers et seconds prophètes d’Amon au début de l’époque ptolémaïque’, in W. Clarysse, A. Schoors and H. Willems, Egyptian religion: the last thousand years: studies dedicated to the memory of Jan Quaegebeur, Leuven, 1998, 1117-1130.

J. Quaegebeur, ‘Prêtres et cultes thébains à la lumière de documents égyptiens et grecs’, BSFE 70-71, 1874, 37-55.